THE ODYSSEY OF RECOLLECTION is a fanbook dedicated to the universe of AMC's 'Interview with the Vampire' television series. This book is meant to be a celebration of the unique perspectives and experiences of all the characters in seasons one and two, their "odyssey of recollection" as Daniel would say.

This project is not affiliated with AMC or ANNE RICE.


The book itself will be both digital/physical, including physical merchandise and be rated M for mature. Blood, gore and sexual/suggestive themes are allowed as long as it adheres to the M rating, but no explicit pornography is allowed. This book will not be spoiler free and will aim to be canon-compliant.It will be an A5 perfect bound book with unlockable stretch goals for future merchandise and book upgrades. This book will also be for profit, meaning proceeds will go to production first, and then distributed to contributors to compensate everyone for their hard work.All applicants must be 18+. We will not be accepting applications from minors at this time due to the themes of the show and the source material.


HEAD MOD | Taz - @tazat0uille
GRAPHIC DESIGN | Shae - @vesperosy
FINANCE | Sydney - @edelgardlesbian
CONSULTANT | Bibi - @cherloustat
CONSULTANT | Ash - @dhamphirdulac


Subject to change.

Interest CheckNOV 1ST - NOV 15
Contributor ApplicationsNOV 21 - DEC 21
Application Results SentDEC 28
Creation PeriodJAN 10 - MAR 10
Mid Point Check-InFEB 10, 2025
Finals DueMAR 10, 2025
Pre-order PeriodAPRIL 1 - APRIL 30, 2025
Production PeriodMAY - AUG, 2025
Shipping PeriodSEP, 2025
Leftover Sales PeriodOCT - NOV, 2025
Fund Distribution/Wrap UpDEC, 2025


Last updated 10/31/24

Q: What is this project?
A: This is essentially a fanmade anthology or book of original work for AMC’s Interview With The Vampire. For this project, a fanbook is a non-official publication of fics and art surrounding a certain fandom, ship, and/or theme. Submissions are compiled into either a PDF or a physical book.
Q: Will there be NSFW content?
A: No, we will not be allowing explicit NSFW content in the book at this time despite the Mature rating. Blood, gore and suggestive/sexual themes are welcome.
Q: Where will you ship from?
A: We ship from the United States.
Q: Will international shipping be available?
A: Yes, international orders will be accepted through our online store. We’re unable to circumvent the laws surrounding imports. Contributors will be reimbursed for any taxes upon arrival if we are able to afford to send physical bundles.
Q: Is there a minimum age requirement for contributors?
A: All contributors must be 18 or older at time of joining. This is non-negotiable.
Q: How are contributors chosen?
A: Contributors are chosen based on their pitch and portfolio. The reason for this is that we’d like to have a variety of ideas and pieces in the zine, to avoid pieces from looking too much alike. We aim to judge all applicants equally; popularity or follower count won’t affect your chances.
Q: None of my existing pieces (art/merch/writing) have IWTV characters in them, will that hurt my chances to get into the zine?
A: We recommend having them in your portfolio because we want to be able to see how you’d stylize them. In other words, it might affect your application, however we try to judge all applicants fairly based on their pitch and portfolio.
An extended version of our FAQ is located on our INFO DOC.